Estate Agents At Risk

So you really love your career as an estate agent. You have a lot of flexibility and freedom.   However, you often have to work alone, and because of this you are at risk. What would happen if you had an accident whilst travelling to a viewing? Or inside the property when the client has not yet arrived? How would you get help? Or even worse, what if you were violently attacked by a prospective client?

Sadly there have been incidents where estate agents have been targeted, for the sole reason that they work alone.

Here are 5 tips that could help reduce the ‘lone worker’ risk if you’re an estate agent.

Never reveal your personal details

Be really careful about what you say. Don’t give the slightest clue that helps somebody to work out where you live. It can be really easy when you’re chatting to drop hints without realising. Use your agency address or a PO Box address and keep a separate mobile phone for work calls.

Use a public space to pre-qualify clients

Many agencies require a meeting with potential clients to be held at the office before showing them a property. Have them fill out an information form with their name, address and contact information, as well as description of their vehicle and a license plate number. Also, make a copy of their driver’s license to keep in your files. This process alone is usually enough to deter anybody with bad intentions. Of course, they can provide you with false information, but they’d have to go to quite a lot of trouble. It is still worth checking any information they give you.

Check in with your office

You should set times where you have to check in with the office. Using a lone worker system like Lookout Call allows this process to be quick and easy, with just one click on your phone.  If you don’t check-in, your office will be alerted by the system to send help to wherever you are.

Dress for escape

When showing a property wear well-fitting, comfortable clothes; loose flowing materials or scarves give a predator something to hold onto. Wear shoes you would be able to run in and don’t wear expensive jewellery or bring other unnecessary items that might grab the attention of a thief.

Trust your instincts

If something doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t, so put your personal safety first and cancel or re-schedule if you need to.