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Buddy System vs Lookout Call

In theory, a Buddy System should work. All the lone worker has to do is remember to ‘check in’ with nominated colleagues at agreed times, before and after each appointment/task or journey. In practise, it usually doesn’t work because life gets in the way. Things can happen unexpectedly and it is very easy for a […]


Prison sentences for anyone convicted of gross negligence manslaughter are to be increased amid concern that offenders have been getting off much too lightly. Judges are being asked to consider life in prison for the most serious offenders, with a key recommendation they should serve at least 18-years before being eligible for parole. For the […]

Massive Fine For South West Water

The death of lone worker Robert Geach at Falmouth Water Treatment Works in December 2013 was “an accident waiting to happen” according to the judge sitting at Truro Crown Court on 21 April 2017. Robert had fallen into a filtration tank and drowned in 6.5 feet of water.  He had activated his lone worker alarm […]

Is Police Rationing Putting Lone Workers...

Is Police Rationing Putting Lone Workers At Greater Risk?

Some police forces are putting the public at an unacceptable risk by rationing their response as they struggle with cutbacks, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary warns. The inspectors say there are now too few police officers and in some areas an erosion of neighbourhood policing. HMIC said: Three forces – Hertfordshire, Humberside and Nottinghamshire – […]


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