We do a lot of work with small charities who are under huge pressure to allocate funds responsibly.
For many of these organisations, the last five years has seen a huge increase in demand for their services, at the same time as a corresponding decrease in funds.
As a supplier into the charity sector we can see why a lone worker safety system, such as Lookout Call, could be perceived as an unnecessary cost. But actually, we have an increase in our charity customers over the past 18 months.
Why? Many of these charities have tended to manage their lone working staff with a ‘check in’ or ‘buddy’ system. This approach, whilst free, is a real drain on staff time. With resources now so limited, charities want their experienced staff and volunteers to be concentrating on front line services and don’t want their time sucked away with admin distractions.
On the issue of price: charities are always pleasantly surprised by the low cost of Lookout Call. An automated mobile-based system, Lookout Call can be deployed on any mobile phone or landline and costs as little as £1 per user per month.